They are our companions every day. Two best friends who are there for you. That means our feet. Many people underestimate how important our feet are to us. On average, we take around 2 million steps a year. With every step we take, our feet are under strain and do an amazing job. Do yourself and your feet a favor and make sure they stay healthy. Learn more more about foot health here and read our five everyday tips:
Tip 1: Wear the right shoes!
It is very important to make sure your footwear fits perfectly. Shoes that are too tight or too wide are both wrong. Shoes that are too tight can not only lead to blisters and redness, but also to growth deficiencies and misalignment of the foot. If the shoes are too big, the foot slides back and forth too much inside. This can lead to sprains in the toes. It is also advisable to wear high heels only in moderation. This has to do with the shortening of the foot muscles and the incorrect load on the forefoot.
Tip 2: Strengthen your feet with small, regular exercises
The stronger and better trained your foot muscles are, the healthier they are. It is therefore advisable to strengthen the muscles through small exercises in everyday life. For example, try gripping and lifting various objects with your toes using a handkerchief, pen or other object. You can also use coordinating movements, such as spreading your toes, to calm stressed feet.
Tip 3: Stretching and massaging the feet
The muscles, ligaments and tendons in your foot can tense up and shorten during the day. Stretch your feet regularly to relieve them or massage them gently with your hands. Everyday objects such as a tennis ball can also be helpful by placing it under your foot, applying pressure and massaging in circular movements to create a soothing massage.
Tip 4: Promote blood circulation
Putting your feet up and taking the pressure off them for a few minutes works wonders for swollen and stressed feet. All of our compression sockswhich promote muscle relaxation and support oxygen transport to the muscle.
Tip 5: The right care
Well cared for feet simply feel better. That's why it's important to take care of your feet and see them for what they are, a masterpiece of nature. We therefore recommend that you care for them accordingly. Perfect for daily foot care, for example, is the Valley Foot Care Cream.
Tal Foot Care Cream, R-Ultra light, R-Power l/r, R-Power Woman l/r, Silver Runner l/r II